Parse an RSS feed (XML)




A string pointing to the RSS URL.


A tibble with RSS data.


#> # A tibble: 117 x 7 #> title link description pub_date dc_creator guid thumbnail #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 OASPA Fou… https://o… A neutral, ind… 2020-11… Open Access 14582 NA #> 2 DOAJ to L… https://b… DOAJ, the CLOC… 2020-11… Open Access 14583 https://www… #> 3 Gradually… https://s… Racism, climat… 2020-11… COVID-19 ,… 14584 https://www… #> 4 Scientist… https://w… With so many v… 2020-11… US , Polit… 14573 https://www… #> 5 U.S. Elec… https://w… Several scient… 2020-11… US , Polit… 14574 https://www… #> 6 Guest Pos… https://s… Susan Spilka a… 2020-11… Diversity 14575 https://www… #> 7 A New Hip… https://w… A new oath ask… 2020-11… Medicine ,… 14576 NA #> 8 Research … http://ww… More than 160 … 2020-11… Horizon Eu… 14577 NA #> 9 Scientist… https://w… Researchers sa… 2020-11… Medicine ,… 14568 https://www… #> 10 'Stick to… https://w… A three-part p… 2020-11… Science , … 14570 https://www… #> # … with 107 more rows